Creation Force in Colour
Bodypainting & Dance
Workshops & Weekends
‘Creation force in Colour’ is about the colourful life in you, the creation force that is expressed in you. Here you have time to relax deeply into this wonderful, lively body and let colours and shapes arise out your sensing – to paint yourself and others.
Creation Force in Colour – a Paradise Weekend
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Bodypainting and Dance
from 10-13 September 2020
at Zegg (near Berlin)
Body, dancing, contact and colour – to enjoy the beauty of your body, emphasize with colour and make it bloom even more. Dip the brush in the pot of appreciation, love and healing …
“This is how I imagine paradise” (Doris R. – participant)
We celebrate the natural beauty of our bodies and connect dancing, painting, feeling, creatively with ourselves, with each other and with the creation force.
We free our self and body image from norms and demands, must and should. Can just be there again, feel accepted. As part of creation and part of the community, we can find our home among human beings.
In addition to bodypainting and dancing, elements of meditation and mindfulness, body and energy work as well as conscious and transparent communication are incorporated.
All genders, body shapes and ages welcome!
Voices from participants:
“It’s like the poetry of the bodies …” Hermann F.
“How so much closeness can arise between people in a very short time …” Dieter W.
“All so in their fleeces, abundance and being there … That is appropriate keeping!” Boris S.
Creation force, life, spark …
Playful, curious,
exploring what life is all about,
what life in all freedom could mean,
beyond barriers, norms and prohibitions.
Your free power, wild nature, liveliness,
pulsating in your veins,
throbbing in your heart
sparkling in your mind, your soul!
Community, coming home among people,
seen in essence.
Artists soul be awake, be there,
join us,
enjoy our expression,
let’s celebrate in bliss,
Creation force in Colour!
When and where:
September 10-13, 2020
in Zegg Community (near Berlin, Germany)
Yvonne Kolinsky & Simon Schramm
310/270/230 € (Self-assessment) + 166.50 € Accomodation & Meals
Any questions:
Heartfull welcome!
Link to Facebook-Event:
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Creation force in Colour – Workshops at Festivals
Bodypainting & Dance
We are always on the go at dance and encounter festivals.
You are also welcome to invite us!